Advertising Design from 2021-2023 ; Community Impact
Designs involve both Web, Newsletter, and Newspaper AD design that were use all across Texas, Arizona, and Tennessee.
TAMU-CC “CAN-struction” Homecoming Event
UCSA Marketing
Texas A&M University Corpus Christi held a variety of homecoming events and one of the events was the ‘CAN-struction” event where student organizations participated in a can building contest.
TAMU-CC Homecoming had a very strict design guideline, however prior to that guide being given to my marketing team, I was tasked with making an advertisement for CAN-struction.
Due to the delay, my design could not be used for advertising purposes. However, because the organization hosting the event liked the design so much, they talked with the school and negotiated with the organizers. This allowed the design to be used for display purposes and the hosts of the event also requested I take the initial design, and rework it into a series of posters for each organization’s project and their mission.
Filler Posters Project
UCSA Marketing
As a result of my time efficiency and experience while working for Texas A&M University Corpus Christi’s Marketing team, my team manager and adviser requested I take on the side job of creating posters for all the organizations across campus
The intent of these posters is to act as a buffer across campus when poster holders don’t immediately have a client-paid design in them.
I had creative freedom; however, it was also still my responsibility to contact the organizations to get approval/make necessary changes that best met their needs.
Harvey RelIef ReadIng Day
ucsa MarketIng
Due to recovery efforts from hurricane Harvey still being prominent in Corpus Christi, TAMU-CC often holds volunteer & repair work opportunities for students to participate in.
alternatIve wInter break
ucsa marketIng
Alternative Winter Break is an event held at Corpus Christi Town Hall before winter break, the design was created but unfortunately the event was cancelled.