
At Community Impact I have work with the Cypress/Cy-Fair Newspapers in Houston, Texas. I am in charge of ensuring accessible and easy to digest news is provided to people all across Texas and not only my own paper.

I have also worked on Advertising Design for both the paper and digital products across Texas which you can find examples of here.

Community Impact features local businesses within communities in Texas, these promotions and stories come free and through these stories readers go and visit/support these businesses.

The businesses then get a framed version of their feature from the paper.

Most businesses hang these features front and center for all customers to see upon entry.

These are example of designs I created being promoted by these local businesses on their home Facebook pages.

I spy an excellent article in the Cy-Fair Community Impact Newspaper! #angelsrocksandfossils #cyfair #communityimpact #houstontx #tomballtx #cypresstx

Posted by Angel's Rocks and Fossils on Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Come out and try it if you haven't already. Deliciousness 😋

Posted by Luz Rentas Garcia on Friday, October 1, 2021

Sample Page.png

RascalBear Tales

Children’s Book Project


The ‘Rascalbear Tales’ Project was a children’s book project that I both illustrated and designed for a client and her family. This project is ongoing and has involved me handling character design, printing arrangements, book design, and general illustration since 2020.

Hardcover Book MockUp.png

Lonestar Pet Lodges
Annual Report

School Project

The annual report design for Lonestar Pet Lodges was part of a rebranding assignment in my Corporate Identity class in 2019.

The thought process of the design what to create some new brand characters and a goal to make the annual report cute, bright, and lively to look at.
